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604 bytes added, 08:40, 21 July 2018
A man who is not unhappy - Are you crying? Why are you crying? Why can't you stop crying?...</br>
Prisoner - Camille does not cry. Just another homeland lost. Another exile.</br>
=== Bora (Anaconda) ===
Troublemaker - No one knows anything about Bora. No one can say anything about them. Have they ever been seen?</br>
Acquaintance - Bora is a peculiar and indeterminate sort, but they seem interested in what you have to say.</br>
Follower - Bora does not smile, not in the way people smile.</br>
Disciple - A silver tongue can be caught. Bora's words slide out of your grasp like quicksilver.</br>
A silken-stepped shadow - Another disappearance, another weight on the scales. The books are balanced once again.</br>
Prisoner - Bora plays cat's cradle while they wait for us.</br>
== Forge ==

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