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526 bytes added, 10:08, 21 July 2018
The Occupant of Office 12: Nobody has seen Cassandra for months. But we send her letters and occasionally find letters slipped under our doors.</br>
Prisoner: Half the government has fallen to anarchy with her disappearance. That concerns her far more than her imprisonment.</br>
=== Arkady (Amets) ===
Troublemaker: Arkady had collected stamps, then bugs, then rare skins. What he collects now is not to be discussed in polite company.</br>
Acquaintance: Arkady believes you have something interesting to say.</br>
Believer: Arkady's mind is the graveyard where we bury our words.</br>
Disciple: Arkady collects beautiful things and beautifully ugly things. He doesn't make that distinction.</br>
Guest: Arkady's compliments are a bad omen.</br>
Prisoner: He revels in the last thing he has - guilt.</br>
== Lantern ==

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