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The Worm Funktastic

56 bytes added, 08:22, 25 July 2018
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Worm's Foundations]]: * [[Hunter]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Bright Tapestry]]:
* [[The Die Cutter]]:
* [[The Mother Bear]]: * [[The Maw Consuming]]:Doot doot, bitch.
* [[The Succulent Glow]]: Unfunky.
* [[]]:
* [[The Shambling Dawn]]:
* [[The Red Lady]]:
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Fell-Feaster]]:
* [[The Cub]]:
* [[The Seraph]]: Another funky fellow. Appreciates good sax riffs.
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The More-Opened]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Unending Worm]]: An audience that cannot escape.
* [[]]:
* [[]]:
* [[The Unending Worm]]: An audience that cannot escape.

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