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User:Anaconda With Sword

2 bytes removed, 21:59, 25 July 2018
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==Hours with Author Commentary==
[[The Anaconda]]: Shameless self-insert. A snake with a sword, everyone's favorite thing. More seriously, Anaconda's kinda an exemplar of the ideal lifestyle. Who doesn't want to wander around, staring at things endlessly, all while being a giant snake that can devour annoyances? She took on a life of her own with the addition of backstory, which is what every good self-insert does.
[[The Bright-Delver]]: Shared custody with [[AuthorUser:SRN]]. An attempt to squish a foil between the [[Snake Tail with Appendages]] and the Anaconda while still keeping thematic similarities and making the Delver an Hour in her own right. Ended up having to tilt more towards the latter than the former, but it worked out well.
[[The Great Serpent]]: SRN has visitation rights. This one I still need to work on more. Trying to cram aspects of all three serpentine Hours into one big snakey melange is tough. Leaving Anaconda mainly out of the equation helps, but there's still more work that needs to be done here before I can really be proud of this one.
[[The Succulent Glow]]: This guy's just an asshole. I'm not sure that it has either the ability or the reach to catalyze a large event in any of the histories, but like any good opportunist, it's going to take advantage of everything it possibly can. Unrepentant, self-serving, opportunistic assholes are surprisingly difficult to force into making dramatic power plays. Well-intentioned extremist Anaconda actually lends itself more to that, somehow.
[[The Worm Funktastic]]: Based off of my friend, who is worms. I know it reads like a giant shitpost, and the relationships section absolutely is a giant shitpost, but the rest of it actually got serious really quickly. Not sure how much I really want to squish Funky into the main universe and histories, however. It just kinda wants to play jazz and be a worm.

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