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The Third History

1,919 bytes added, 12:03, 27 July 2018
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The Third History is widely regarded as the History of Man for a reason. Despite the power of the supernatural there, mankind’s wit, skill and desire for order allowed their race to maintain dominance and usher in an age of civilization and progress. For obvious reasons, this History has long been regarded as a bastion of the Doors, those Hours of an orderly and sometimes unchanging temperament.
Before the Segmenting, [[the Great Serpent]] utilized this history for its observations of mortals and most specifically of mankind. It never appeared in person, but would often send Long and Names to walk secretly amongst humanity, and bring back the records of what they observed. The Serpent's servants pestered humanity, testing their morals and mettle, but never giving out a scrap of occult knowledge to the mortals they interacted with. This humanity would learn of the invisible arts by their own merits; this was the decree of the Great Serpent. It was here, when the people of the North looked across the great oceans and wondered what they might find on the other side, that the Great Serpent first learned of the human occultist who would one day become one of the most powerful Door Hours.
By first observation, of course, none of this could have been foretold. For now, that being was merely a struggling adept in a settlement that could only be called a city by the standards of that time, born to toil for the betterment of that people for only the reward of seeing others survive. The city to the east demanded tithes and tributes for a cessation of hostilities. Food for their people and to fuel the machine of war, and partners for their military leaders. The cruelest of the generals had taken and buried two spouses already, and the ignoble adept was to be the third. The Great Serpent learned of this adept's curse, spun from cinnabar and magic, that slowly poisoned an army as their general slipped further into illness and madness. With the dying gasps of the eastern city's warriors, the adept changed form and rent the skin of the world, entering the Mansus. The Great Serpent took this new Long as its own, despite having given them no patronage. The Great Serpent could not be denied. As the new Long rose in their patron's esteem, they took a Name befitting their form: [[The Anaconda]].
Following the War of the Doors the Hours of the Keys, those Hours of a chaotic and changing nature, set plans in motion to establish a foothold in the History of their rivals, across the sea and in the darker corners of the world, new gods begin to whisper and work their wonders, drawing many to their service. In the New World in particular, numerous small empire emerge centered on their worship. Seeing their rivals on the rise, the Doors began manipulating events in the mortal world to counter their influence. [[The Cuckoo]] sent the kingdoms of man visions of treasure across the sea, and urged them to take them for themselves. Explorers and Conquerors set sail for the New World, and attacked the indigenous peoples.

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