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Its tarot card is Judgement.
==Description===== Appearance ===
The Anaconda takes the appearance of a vast constrictor, typically carrying a sword or some sort of weapon. It is this form which most adepts will view and potentially even interact with. This is also the traditional depiction of the Anaconda in occult art. The Anaconda has often been conflated with Jörmungandr or other "world serpents," but has thankfully not been known to leave the Mansus since its ascension to Hourhood.
On occasion, the Anaconda has been recorded as appearing as a genderless humanoid figure with seven snakeskin shifts. There are no known records of the Anaconda's motives for taking this form, but they always correspond to deaths. It does not please the Anaconda to be depicted in this form, and those who have often die as well, their works going missing.
=== Principles ===
The Anaconda is an Hour of assassinations, of the silent death which takes away all sound and breath. Thieves, smugglers, and those who do not wish to be noticed often call upon the Anaconda to keep them from sight. Explorers, naturalists, and wanderers have also called upon the Anaconda to let them reach paths others have not tread, and to keep their travels from disturbing the places they walk. Interestingly, those fond of bad puns have also been known to invoke the Anaconda's wit, and the Hour itself may purposefully make those puns itself.