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The Great Serpent

54 bytes added, 20:44, 30 July 2018
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}}'''The Great Serpent''' ('''The First Snake''', '''The Sea-Dragon''', '''The Appendage-Shedder''', '''The Door-Key''') was the Twenty-Second Hour of the Fansus, created by [[User:Anaconda With Sword|Anaconda With Sword]]. It was a God-From-Light, the first to descend from the Glory into the Fansus. Its aspects were [[:Category:Lantern|Lantern]], [[:Category:Knock|Knock]], and [[:Category:Secret Histories|Secret Histories]], in decreasing order of importance. While it was alive, it delighted in exploring both the world and the Fansus, and wanted nothing more than to be able to discover new things forever. Outside of explorations, it was a lazy Hour, and often delegated items of lesser interest to its Names wherever possible. The free reign it gave its Names and Long made it an Hour of interest to those which wanted to become Hours in their own rights, although its mercurial interest resulted in very few of its Long ever becoming Names.
As the most powerful Hour in the Fansus in its time, it often took up the role of peacekeeper in conflicts, as well as restraining the more ambitious and destructive Hours when they wished to enact their will upon mortals. It was rarely recorded as ever having engaged in battles, although on the few occasions in which it did it was said to have utterly annihilated all opposition. There were rumors that the The Great Serpent had discovered a way of destroying Hours which resulted in them not going 's power was said to be so great, that it is now speculated that an Hour slain by it would be so thoroughly destroyed there would be no remains left to go Nowhere. With the Ignition, those rumors have died out, as no one really wants to consider the Great Serpent to have integrated those Hours it had to kill.
Its tarot card was The World.

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