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The Vizier

No change in size, 02:17, 12 August 2018
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# '''Ascension: The Greater Good:''' The Fifth Mark causes others to find me difficult to spot until I speak. I seem to fade into the background of the world. Others call me cruel and heartless. They do not understand that necessity of it all.
# '''Ascension: The Greater Good:''' Conversation dies when I draw within earshot. I see the threads of History, trailing behind each person, each place, each event, and each moment. I merely need to reach out and tug on them to change it all.
# '''The Silent Revolution:''' I have passed through the Tricuspid Gateof Crowns, still in service to something greater than I. My mind is sharp as a blade, my body indefatigable, my fervour brighter than ever. I will walk the world in service to the Vizier, reweaving History to my liking. I shall not grow old. Perhaps I will rebel. Perhaps I will rise higher yet, though not too high.
The Vizier is not commonly worshiped as an Hour. It is often believed that he is merely a Name - perhaps of the Peacock or the Aged Bones or the Anaconda. More commonly he is worshiped by individuals seeking to better their country, organisation, or ideology.

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