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Bring The Queen Serpent

13 bytes added, 21:13, 16 August 2018
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In the final battle between the Ourobourine’s patron Hours, the Snake Tail was swallowed by the Anaconda. Aware of the Tail’s penchant for returning from Nowhere, Anaconda incorporated that Hour into itself. Knowing that they were too unlike to stay together long, and that the disaster of their splitting would surely result in catastrophe, the Anaconda allowed itself to be subverted by the Bright-Delver, creating The Queen Serpent (The Sea-Dragon, The Second Snake, The Glory-Key, The Sundancer). The Great Serpent returned from Nowhere, greatly confused by what it perceived to be an inexorable summons from its palace, and discovers the situation. Queen Delver immediately kept the Great Serpent within the bounds of the Mansus, her tireless responsibility and endless compassion finding thousands of reasons for her “father” to stay and millions of ways for it to assist the repair and renovation of the Mansus. Here, the Vizier commited his final act of treachery against his king- opening the door of the Clocktower where the Great Serpent attempted to hide from the Queen Serpent and her demands.
<br>Those of the Anaconda’s Names that did not lend their service to the Queen Serpent turned to the Architeuthian or the Vizier for patronage. Those Long and Names that pledged to the Architeuthian swore powerful oaths in the name of the Anaconda and her undying loyalty. With those Names and Long came the oversight of the Wyrm’s Museum, and a new feast of Nowhere-lore for the Architeuthian. <br>Prior to the subversion, the Anaconda had willingly provided a great deal of power to one of the few beings in the Mansus that had shown themselves willing and able to protect the Bright-Delver and do what needed to be done in her service. Chanakaya ascended to the ranks of the Hours, ready to serve his Queen in whatever manner she required. The newborn Hour of the Bladed Serpent had risen, an Hour of Heart and Edge and Knock, finally recognized and rewarded for his deeds. The first act of the Bladed Serpent was to gather those willing to stand against the Engine of Cycles and the Mad-Machine, guarding the Mansus against the Forge-power that would destroy it. <br>Great Serpent dealt with the Unravellers in a last-ditch effort to escape the Queen Serpent and her overwhelming sense of duty, gathering as many of the Tail's former disciples and other Nowhere-servents as it could, and luring them away from the Mansus once more. Once far enough Nowhere, the Great Serpent abandoned them, returning to its long sojourn into the the nothingness outside of the House. 
==End Text==
FNORD- we haven't seen the Bring The Dawn ending yet, after all!

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