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Loss of the Fifth Hill

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Created page with "'''Loss of the Fifth Hill''' is a book from the Fansus timeline. The author is Archibald Beck. == Description == What appears to be yet another boring history book written by..."
'''Loss of the Fifth Hill''' is a book from the Fansus timeline. The author is Archibald Beck.

== Description ==
What appears to be yet another boring history book written by a dull general about an insignificant battle may yet hold deeper mysteries. If you can get through the shoddy prose and the overly detailed descriptions of naval combat.

== Study Text Start ==
The author, one Archibald Beck, goes on tediously long about the political events leading up to what he calls ‘the battle for the Fifth Hill’ (despite the fact hills one through four have not been mentioned at all). He describes one far off nation betraying another, and his nation (which he fails to name) kindly taking in the refugees.

== Study Start Finish ==
At some points, one of these refugees raised up the flag of the betrayed nation, and in turn betrayed those who had taken them in. Archibald and his forces take up arms against these ‘Long-armed traitors’ and have them beaten and running before ‘those damned red-winged devils’ swooped in and spirited away the former refugees. The writing becomes incoherent with rage at this point, and the rest of the books seems devoted to Archibald’s almost rabid desire for revenge.

[[Category:Books]][[Category:Fansus I]]

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