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The Skinner Box

741 bytes added, 19:53, 13 November 2018
== Worship ==
The adepts of the Skinner Box tend to be those who value xir abilities to provide an ambiance of quiet and intuitive imbibing and sharing of knowledge, warded from prying eyes and ears and of the interference of occult threats. Throughout the ages, librarians and diplomats, hypnotisers and preceptors are all known to have formed and consecrated the angular, yet undulant-looking patterns of the Squared Circle around their havens, trapping time and noise within its folds. In those Histories advanced enough in technological progress to have discovered Internet (or a similar notion - all Webs, after all, are linked as one) tend to also place this domain under xir Patronage.
Hence the dispensation of access to such network in boxes.
Those whose body traps them seem to garner favor from the Skinner Box. While paralytics or blind seers are the most known type of members of xir Cult, those whose connection is the most intuitive with xe are those whose speech ability is impeded because of their handicap (whether deafness, muteness or heavy stuttering).

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