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The Firstborn

60 bytes removed, 08:07, 14 November 2018
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== Appearance ==
The firstborn appears as an almost irritatingly beautiful enamored man in greek armor, but he is also known to appear as a firefly when he brings the new day.
== Principles ==
== History ==
The Firstborn is said to have originated from a small village in Phrygia, albeit it’s name has been forgotten by the histories, as was his original name. Beloved by all, men, women and even the creatures of the mansus, he rapidly developed a highly narcissistic and dismissive personality, which ultimately proved to be his undoing: after being harshly turned down, a forest-seerlaid a curse on him, that he „never shall leave his house, lest he die.“ Infuriated, he ran after the seer, but as soon as he set foot on the doorsteps, he felt himself weakening.
Using his beauty as ab a bargaining chip, he slowly built up a cult, seeking ascension into the Mansus, because if he can't leave his house, he shall move to a bigger one. As the years passed by, he built up a cult, amassed a great hoard of treasures, incited strife between the hours, and directed his cultists in the flaying of Marsyas, the forest-seer who had cursed him. As the time had come and the hours were infighting more than ever, he seized his window of opportunity and ascended through the Sea Gate, in an monumental orgy in which he ultimately betrayed all his lovers, reciting the Formulae Voluptuous over and over.
== Worship ==
The Firstborn is worshipped by the beautiful and the ugly alike, to preserve or improve, and by those who wish to fight with a brutal and unrelenting strenght, as opposed to The Abbess Sunsets worshippers.
Strangely, he is also worshipped by the betrayed , the betrayers and those who fear to be betrayed, but it is not known why.
There are two known ways to gain his attention, but both involve a sacrifice, which has to be given freely and for the sake of admiration: either you scar yourself, appealing to his aspect of edge, or you offer of your blood, for his aspect of grail.
=== Who They Blame ===
No one. At least this is a bigger prison than before. But if he has to blame someone, he'll blame the Hill-Queen and the Omnipede, just out of spite, due to the fact, that he was not present during the extirpation.
=== What They Hide ===

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