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The Goldsmith

1,142 bytes added, 04:47, 5 December 2018
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| card = File:Stolentemplate
| origin = Light
| titles = ''none''Fnord| names = ''none''Fnord
| aspects = {{Aspect|Forge}} {{Aspect|Lantern}} {{Aspect|Grail}}
| arrival = ''Unknown''Fnord
| owners = [[ThreeInquisitors|Will, a Poor Lunatic]]
Constantly searching for more raw materials, it came into conflict with [[The Bright Tapestry|the Bright Tapestry]] when it stole some of the Eigenlicht's creations. Things very quickly deteriorated into violence, the two Hours struggling against each other. Here the Goldsmith met its death when it fell into the Sea of Mists that surrounds the Mansus. The circumstances of its death spawned [[The Knife's Edge|the Knife's Edge]] and [[The Storm-Tossed|the Storm-Tossed]] - the opalescent twin Hours of the Mists.
== Appearance ==
The Goldsmith commonly manifested as a bent and wizened smith, holding a hammer and clutching its creations to its chest. It was also known to appear as a mighty dragon, curled up on its beloved horde.
== Principles ==
The Goldsmith was Forge, for alchemy and transformation. It was Lantern, for the Glory-light it worked it. And it was Grail, for its greedy desires. It was the Hour of greed and jealousy, of material wealth and possessive wrath.
== Worship ==
Those that followed the Goldsmith were often rewarded with great riches. They attempted to ape their patron, using their wealth to build great alchemical laboratories to purify gold to Glory. They were bankers, merchants, alchemists, forgers, and conmen.
=== Cults ===
=== Servants ===
== Locations ==
=== The Fansus ===
=== The Histories ===
== Items ==
=== Tools ===
=== Ingredients ===
=== Influences ===
=== Books ===
=== Rites ===
== Relationships ==
[[Category:Hours (Vol. II)]]
[[Category:Gods-From-Light (Vol. II)]]
[[Category:Forge (Vol. II)]]
[[Category:Lantern (Vol. II)]]
[[Category:Grail (Vol. II)]]

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