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Abbess Sunset

4,634 bytes added, 11:43, 16 December 2018
== Relationships ==
* [[The Piper]]: You could have stopped it. Surely, you could have stopped it. I don't understand why you didn't.* [[The Firstborn]]: On any other being, that tenacity would be endearing. Still… Maybe it would be boring without him. ''Maybe''.* [[The Weft]]: There was no justice in what you did. Perhaps there was justification, but you had no right to take vigilante action.* [[The Distinguished]]: This seems like it will go wrong, in a hundred thousand ways. And yet, she kept her vow. And yet, she always retrieves each soul, and mourns when they are damaged, and chides them when they are stained. I await the disaster. I cannot permit myself to like one who will be concluded without return.* [[The Prince Consort]]: FNORD* [[The Warp]]: There was no justice in what you did. Perhaps there was justification, but you had no right to take vigilante action.* [[The Hill-Queen]]: Individuality of thought and spirit is what makes a psychopomp’s job necessary. Without it, my cycle becomes meaningless. And the bitch scares my Shadow.* [[The Captain]]: I might understand, at least in pieces. Honestly, I cannot even tell if it was hypocrisy or not. I certainly cannot blame you for your feelings. But what you did? There was no justification in that.* [[The Instinct]]: FNORD* [[The Solemn]]: My shadow, my friend, and my erstwhile companion. Our friendship is a complicated thing, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The best thing that ever came of this place.* [[Brother Grimalkin]]: The Solemn precedes him, and he precedes me. It’s an extremely complicated thing. But, I’d rather him caterwauling than him dead. He is important, not that I'll ever tell him that. A good cat, I suppose, on a very short list.* [[The Skinner Box]]: The Omnipede wants it put in the Ossuary. The Blight-Abiding wants it for whatever reasons the Coward Sun might have. If it comes to it, then I'll bring it to the Omnipede myself. But I'd like to know what it does, what it did, first. Even if I can't understand.* [[The Stillwater]]: It’s not the Tenfold Suns. That is the best thing I can say about it. I never served this one, thankfully.* [[The Heart-Felt Fantasy]]: I do not understand. Maybe I never will understand. Perhaps I am wholly incapable of comprehending it. My Shadow likes it. The Omnipede likes it, too. That’s good enough for me.* [[The Gilded Insect]]: What an ass. He scares my Shadow, he toys with the Cycle's corpse, and worst of all I have to pretend to tolerate him. Someday, someday I will be permitted to shoot him.* [[The Mechanism]]: What. What?* [[The Dongolopticon]]: I am not as offended by its return as I was by the Blight-Abiding’s, but the Dead should stay Dead.* [[The World-Carver]]: Thief! If I catch you, I’ll bring what you stole back to my Shadow, and do not doubt that I’ll bring your head with me to give to Grimalkin.* [[The Eye]]: Don’t fuck this up, or I’ll shoot you down, too. I killed nine suns before you, and I do not fear killing eleven.* [[The Recollection]]: Speaking of things that ought to stay Dead; this and what it attempts to revive.* [[The Millions-Upon-Millions]]: The bodies go to the Omnipede, at death, and by the Omnipede they are recycled and returned. It’s a sensible cycle.* [[]]: FNORD* [[The Blight-Abiding]]: Die. Die. Die. And then die again. And once you die, stay dead, damn you. I’ll shoot you again, don’t think that I won’t.* [[The Cantharide]]: Leave my Shadow alone. Do not touch him, do not gaze upon him, do not even hear his voice, or I will kill you.* [[]]: FNORD* [[]]: FNORD* [[]]: FNORD* [[The Fruitbat]]: A decadent thing, lost in its own intoxication. There's nothing that requires my action. But I would like it to stay away from me.* [[The Mare-Night]]: She’s endearing. It’s odd, truly, for one such as her to have such optimism and compassion, but I do hope she keeps it.* [[The Stillborn]]: Why? Why? Why? It shouldn’t be. I ought to shoot it down once again… But Gravedigger says not to. I suppose, as long as it doesn’t eat anyone, it can stay.* [[The Weave]]: FNORD* [[The Tenfold]]: My former Lord and Master. Father of the Damned Suns. My feelings are complicated, even now.* [[The Hematite]]: FNORD* [[The Mangled]]: Dearest Father of Heroes, dearest Mother of Monsters, dearest, dearest, dead.* [[The Cycle]]: Perhaps the Omnipede would be upset to hear this, but I don't particularly miss the Cycle. I much prefer the Omnipede.* [[The Bait]]: FNORD* [[The Unmade]]: FNORD* [[The Avulsed]]: Dearest Mother of Heroes, dearest Father of Monsters, dearest, dearest, dead.

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