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The Myriad-Masked

4,951 bytes added, 14:21, 4 February 2019
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=== The Fansus ===
'''The Chamber of Visions:'''
''Last night, I once again crawled through radiant fissures in search of the Chamber of Visions, where the Myriad-Masked hold court, when I encountered another individual like me with a face where the mask should be. A wounded, shivering scrap of a mortal came limping towards me through a stray tunnel, begging and pleading me to show him the way out of the tunnels. In exchange, he would tell me a secret, he said, insisting that it'd soon be worthless anyway as he had sold it to the Myriad-Masked.''
'''A Favor from Authority'''
''Last night, I watched from within a crystalline crack in the wall of the Chamber of Visions as a peregrine adept debated the nature of surveillance with a Name of the Myriad-Masked. The adept spoke of a grand prison with a mirror-walled chamber in the center, constructed so that a warden in the center could view every prisoner from within the chamber without the prisoners knowing whether they were watched or not, and argued that such surveillance would lead to perfect obedience. The Name told the adept a tale of an ingenious king who fed the advisers he knew were spies with false information, to mislead his foreign enemies. And as the adept inquired about the long-dead Panopticon and whether it in its vast wisdom was able to predict its eventual fate, the Name asked her whether she knew she was being watched. It was then I realized that the Name had known all along that I was watching them, and when the adept realized that I had realized that the Name had known all along that I had been watching them. That knowledge I kept with me, when I awoke.''
'''Glimmering: A Lesson Learned'''
''Last night, I once again entered the Chamber of Visions where the Panopticon once held court. As I wandered the central stadium, gazing upwards towards the rows of Myriad-Masked perched on the rows of amphitheater pews, a geode-masked individual emerged from a fissure before bowing down and whispering a few words into the ear of another. The masked crowds instantly drew closer to one another, whispering and hissing among themselves about the new secret that was theirs. Some words of that secret reached my ears, and some slivers of those words remained with me when I returned to the waking world.''
'''{{Aspect|Secret Histories}} Lore'''
''Last night, I clambered myself through crystal-lit crevices and into the Chamber of Visions, where all fissures lead. The Chamber was empty tonight, lit only by the faint glow from the crevices. From a distance, I watched as the Fissure-Faced emerged from one such crevice with an impossible, dancer-line grace to their stony body. It is rare for them to take a single shape, these days. As I marveled at their beauty they turned their head towards me, shining upon me with their crystalline spotlight-face and filling my skull with lights and whispers. When I awaken, the lights and whispers remain.''
'''{{Aspect|Lantern}} Influence'''
''Last night, I crawled through radiant fissures into the Chamber of Visions, where the Panopticon once was shattered. As I walked past the bleached amphitheater pews, I noticed something glimmering in the corner of my eye. The Chamber was bleached white when the Panopticon shattered, but a few spots are known to remain as mirror-like windows into perplexing sights as the chamber was when the Panopticon held court in it. Each such mark is said to memorialize a Name of the Panopticon, who were obliterated by the shattering of the Hour and shielded a spot on the floor with their body. Last night, I looked upon one such spot, and saw the Panopticon in its brilliance, as it watched all there was to watch. In its brilliance, I wowed it to watch too, and by its light I wowed to never forget as it once had. Those promises stay with me as I awake, lingering in my skull as half-remembered revelations.''
''Last night I once again attempted to reach the Chamber of Visions, where the scarcest of secrets are sold. But as I crawled through the crystal-coated fissures interspersing the Foundations of the Mansus that were created when the Panopticon shattered, following the faint voices of the Myriad-Masked echoing from within the chamber, I realized that the secretive Hour had hidden the Chamber from adepts for the night. Perhaps they had found a sliver of truth interesting enough that even the terms of its purchase would be secret, perhaps they had called a conference or emergency lockdown in fear of some new or unknown threat, or perhaps they simply had closed it as a feint or distraction and were in truth pursuing more interesting matters elsewhere. As I speculated upon these matters I continued to climb through the caves as their the sharp crystal walls cut deep wounds in my hands. As I awake, I can still trace shapes of those wounds, each cut a sign of a door that I was denied. Perhaps, the doors will repay me.''
'''{{Aspect|Knock}} Influence'''
=== The Histories ===

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