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The Captain

4 bytes added, 15:50, 4 February 2019
== Principles ==
* The Hour of Discovery. Having ''run out of places to visit '' - he now subtly intrudes the dreams of those with otherworldly fantasies, reveling in their newly-created mindscapes and wandering them himself to sate his endless hunger for knowledge and adventure. He enjoys telling tales of his travels, but only to fellow Mansus-dwellers, as he deems others unworthy.
* The Guide - when the divine ones and their servants travel far and wide, the Captain is one of the curators they may choose. Mortals may instead call upon his Names, who tend to appear as sailors or, rarely, pirates; these followers know the world and its secrets like the palms of their hands, though they lack the Pathmaker’s utter mastery of travel.
* The Seeker - He treads across all waters - that of time, space, and of reality itself - as such, he can reach just about anywhere. This freedom is not tolerated by all, and combined with the Captain’s deep hatred of secrets, it’s not hard to see why he got to be where he is now.

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