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Abbess Sunset

158 bytes added, 10:59, 22 February 2019
* [[The Hill-Queen]]: Individuality of thought and spirit is what makes a psychopomp’s job necessary. Without it, my cycle becomes meaningless. And the bitch scares my Shadow.
* [[The Captain]]: I might understand, at least in pieces. Honestly, I cannot even tell if it was hypocrisy or not. I certainly cannot blame you for your feelings. But what you did? There was no justification in that.
* [[The InstinctTessallate]]: FNORDA child of the Hematite. She does good works, but the Hematite was always so... I worry about her. It's just hard to start the conversation I would wish to have.
* [[The Solemn]]: My shadow, my friend, and my erstwhile companion. Our friendship is a complicated thing, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The best thing that ever came of this place.
* [[Brother Grimalkin]]: The Solemn precedes him, and he precedes me. It’s an extremely complicated thing. But, I’d rather him caterwauling than him dead. He is important, not that I'll ever tell him that. A good cat, I suppose, on a very short list.

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