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The Old Wyrm

1 byte added, 16:15, 2 March 2019
Appearance: Pronouns are hard.
The Wyrm returned from Nowhere tainted, broken and bitter and so he sought to cleanse himself in the waters of the great Sea in which he lairs. Thus it came to be known as the Sea of Regrets, its previous nature and name forgotten as despair tinted the waters, and thus three Gods-From-Nowhere were born from the act of purification, the final spawn of the Godsire.
The Old Wyrm is a titanic serpent, scales gleaming with light even in the murky depths of the Sea of Regrets. It He rarely moves from its his lair, though when it he does, it he displays grace and precision one would hardly expect from an entity of its his size. The Wyrm's eyes are a vivid yellow, reflections of Glory itself, pupils as tall as a man. His gaze is piercing and sharp, and though he converses freely with anyone who braves the black waters, his tongue is equally sharp and merciless. 
The Wyrm wields the principle of Knock to open what has to be opened, no matter the price. He wields the principle of Lantern, for he comes from the Glory and knows no mercy. Mistakes are not to be forgiven or forgotten. They are to be corrected, even if the attempt would consume you, and to this end the Wyrm lends his powers to mortals.

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