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The Reminisce

1,612 bytes added, 12:07, 11 March 2019
== Description ==
=== Principles ===
The principles of the Recollection are littered with nuances and specifics, but it's aspects and domains summarize the fundamentalsquite well.  First and most simple is the perpetual stubbornness of life that is heart. The persistence of all that is, be it old or new. The Recollection holds firm the belief that while all things must end, the permanence of endings is and should be optional. The idea that, so long as there is life, what has come before will be be continuously recreated by the decedents of those who spawned it. For individuals this generally translates to prevention of death; including things from simple medicine and antibiotics, to resuscitation and immortality. However, most fail to realize this also translates to ones legacy; the image that inspires imitators or successors, be they decedents or simply random inspired souls. Similarly, this also applies to empires. Subverted royal families and overthrown rulers or heirs, benevolent and tyrannical alike, call upon the Recollection to see their rule restored. Those facing the threat of fall call upon the recollection to mend the weakness within or ensure return, for better or for worse. Controversially for all parties involved, Revolutionaries sometimes call upon the Recollection to see the fruits of similar movements recreated by their own. Why the Recollection chooses to endorse those who'd overthrow the old remains a mystery. Restorers, historians, and researchers will occasionally call on the Recollection when attempting to recover or restore damaged artifacts, incomplete recountings, and ideas since worn away or lost to time. Success rates tend to vary.  Second is the cost of survival, or; the changes that come with defying or unmaking death. This is less of a belief to the Recollection as much as it is a rule or a lesson, but it still demands learning. FNORD. FNORD. Long of the Recollection consider this to be its most invaluable of teachings, allowing one to bypass the Omnipede's ruling without violating its principles, provided you can deal with whatever resulting changes it brings.
Second is the cost of survival, and more specifically, the changes that come with defying otherwise certain death. FNORD. Long of the Recollection consider this to be its most invaluable of teachings, as it allows one to bypass the Omnipede's ruling without violating its principles.
The third and final regards the frameworks known as memories and records. FNORD.

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