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The Faustian Alchemist

45 bytes added, 03:28, 9 June 2019
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===The Mansus===
====The Template Temple====When in the Mansus, the Faustian Alchemist resides as close to the Glory as possible, safe from any people that could oppose him by taking offense; however, he will usually not be found in the Mansus.The Template spends lots He also illicitly visits the New Mansus, spying on the Demiurge and his domain. Names of its free time herethe Blood-tempered are also commonly sent in there.
===The Histories===
The year was 285124 Fournancier travels among the world, visiting various revolutionary groups and helping them out, now and then. That makes him a rather big influencer of the template did a thing Wake, especially considering that was importanthe is ready to take immediate action when things directly contradict his ideals. This reached from assaults on Demiurge-Long in the Wake to revolutions.
** Aspects: {{Aspect|SH|12}} {{Aspect|Edge|12}}
* The Template's Brain JuiceBlood-Stained Ash ** Aspects: {{Aspect|Forge|18}} {{Aspect|Grail|18}}===Influences===* A Chill in the Hair (Don't get too greedy with these. Stick to one or two max)** Aspect: {{Aspect|Winter|71}}===Books===* The Zeroth Indictment (Indictments correspond to hour number. Everyone gets one but you can have more books than just that)** Description: It's an old book, okay? A dusty old tome? Made out of...flesh? What the.** Start Text: This is the tale of the skeleton warriors.** End Text: The skeleton warriors theme song refuses to leave your mind.** Gives: Stuff goes here. Usually lore. Sometimes languages. Sometimes things get really weird. Feel free to get creative.
* Making Rite of the HoursFurnace** Description: Ancient ritual conceived This rite remembers the time the Faustian Alchemist spent in the furnace of the Demiurge by sacricing a living being that has been treated with alchemical ingredients. The Burning Fool will acknowledge the spooky boys of Uh-Shekelsacrifice, and will do a favour in return.** Requires: Rites are the more unique bits of Cultist Simulator. They may require tools, objects, loresA living sacrifice, living beingsan ingredient, and so onlore. Some of the items used  Can act as a rite for anything but is mandatory for the rite may be destroyed, and proper aspects are needed. Do specify all ascension of Long that ascend under the details!** Gives: Glorious boons. From summoning to spawning items to other beneficial effectsFournancier.
* [[The Demiurge]]: the Faustian Alchemist and the Demiurge are known to be enemies, mainly due to threat that the Faustian Alchemist is to the New Mansus. Due to the differences in their practices and the similarities in their ideals, one often accuses the other to simply lust for power instead of salvation.* [[The Unfettered]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: ==Secrets==* The Template is actually While the Faustian Alchemist does not directly oppose the second coming Unfettered, their ideals contradict in a lot of Big Clive and your life is ways, mainly due to the Alchemist's beliefs in authority as a lietool, rather than something oppressive.* It also never liked cookies.* And it writes steamy fanfics.[ * True Form][[Category:Hours (Vol. III)]]

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