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The Faustian Alchemist

27 bytes added, 08:39, 9 June 2019
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<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:Stolentemplate
|title = The Coal-StainedCreation of an Hour: a Documentary
|description = "A rather recent documentary on a rather recently born Hour: the Faustian Alchemist. This documentary records the life and the suffering of the Faustian Alchemist while he was transformed into a Long. It might never have been finished."
|fansus = 4
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px;">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = Summon Watch an Unfinished Documentary on the Coal-Stained, a Name Ascension of the Faustian Alchemist|start_description = The Coaldocumentary features dialogues between the Alchemists - before their ascension -Stained remembers the fuel he brought, he remembers the sacrifice, and foremostly remembers the light entries of the Mansushuman Faustian Alchemist's diary. He will only enters when traces Later on, the documentary even features rather private parts of these memories are presenthis life.|description = To our supriseDisappointingly, the Coal-Stained isndocumentary doesn't a heyield much information on the actual work practices on him; it does, but a shehowever, a womaninclude scenes that make one question why the Alchemist didn't annihilate this. Covered in coal, and blood, she enters like it was her who opened the doorHe probably knows better.|aspect0 = ritual|aspect1 = Winter|quantity1 = 6|aspect2 = Lantern|quantity2 = 8|aspect3 = Forge|quantity3 = 10
|fansus = 4
* Yields: Forge Lore (4), Grail Lore (2), Rite of the Furnace

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