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The Navigator

58 bytes added, 09:44, 12 June 2019
| quote = A broken compass navigates two worlds as one
| origin = King
| titles = The one One to blame. Blame, The fool Fool in denial. Denial, The maker Maker of the planPlan
| names = The lookout,
| aspects = {{Aspect|lantern}} {{Aspect|heart}} {{Aspect|forge}}
| arrival = Sometime before the collisionCollision. When that was is a secret lost in the cataclysm.
| owners = [[User:Terrence|Terrence]]
The navigator Navigator is a broken hourHour of the Fourth Fansus. Created by Terrence.
The navigator Navigator was once of the king’s King’s house. All know that he was the one that directed the movement of their manseMansus. All know that it was her mistake that caused the collision. All know that this story cannot be verified.
The navigator Navigator is fragmented and unclear. Sometimes he is a wise and formal man. Sometimes she is a vicious and reckless waif. Always their finery is cracked and broken.
In heartHeart, the navigator Navigator refuses to give up trying to remedy their mistake. In forgeForge,they have the means to restore what is broken. In lantern Lantern they illuminate the way back, though one could accuse this to be one of mothMoth's madnesses.
The navigator Navigator grants their favour to those who wish to redeem themselves, and fix past mistakes. regretful Regretful criminals and penitents ask her for counsel and him for perseverance and them for the assurance that there’s a way out.
More tangentially. The navigator, the Navigator' s aspect of wayfinding remains strong enough to be invoked by guides and, indeed, navigators in the waking world. Though the paths once known as safe have been made perilous by the upheaval of the collisionCollision.
# '''Temptation''': Restoration: I've begun to see all the ways in which the world is broken.# '''Dedication''': Restoration: I shall dedicate myself to the restoration of the world that once was.
# '''Ascension''': Restoration: I have begun dreaming of memories of a life I never had. The life of my counterpart in the before-world's mirror. I know this to be the third mark.
# '''Ascension''': Restoration: My mind is aglow with ideas. , plans to improve things. Whenever I try to write them down they escape me. But I know with all my being they would work if only I could convince people to follow them. I know this to be the fourth mark.# '''Ascension''': Restoration: My plans are already written. Just , just not by my hand. I have begun to see that I was always a part of the plan. And now I must give heavily of myself to play mypartmy part.# '''Ascension''': Phrase: Every moments moment seems to take forever. The air is heavy with anticipation for what is coming. There is still an apprehension left before I shatter myself and remake myself anew. I know this to be the sixth mark.# '''Ending''': I have shattered myself against the moment that recalls the collisionCollision. I have seen all there is and all there can be. Sometimes, my mind is lucid and whole enough to act on that knowledge. I will not cease. Not for as long as I have yet to play my part in the plan.
===The Mansus===
====The observatory ruins. Observatory Ruins====It shows in torn maps and shattered planetariums how the world used to be. Sometimes, the gloryGlory's light shines upon it in its shattered cradle outside the walls of the kingKing's castle. Sometimes, The navigator Navigator speaks of his plan to restore the world to visitors.
===The Histories===
The navigator Navigator was once one of the most foremost hours Hours in the manse Mansus of the kingKing. They directed its movements. Kept , kept it in harmony with the house of the wyrmsWyrms. What happened to change that was forgotten in the event that followed, but many, including the navigator themselvesNavigator, agree they played a central part in it.
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:Stolentemplate
|title = The navigatorNavigator's planPlan
|description =
A thick folder of timetables, maps and other documents. Half , half of which are visible only in moonlight and half of which are visible only in sunlight. Cyphered in traditional chineseChinese.
|fansus = 4
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px;">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = Learn of the navigatorNavigator's plansPlans|start_description = This writing is meant to be read under a high noon sun. Shadows and moonlight bring forth lies meant to misdirect those that would sabotage the plan.
|description = It all makes sense. You know what to do. When and where. You were meant to find this. And you know your place in it now.
|fansus = 4
* Yields: Memory of the collisionCollision
*Memory of the collisionCollision**The collision Collision was a catastrophe that reshaped the world. It ; it was also an event with enormous power. This rite might capture a sliver of that power. Though , though perhaps the costs might be too great , still.**Requires: A map, A a catalyst, A a victim and a tool, to break at exactly the wrong time and spark the others.
* [[]]:

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