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The Ultimate Emperor

528 bytes added, 03:46, 25 June 2019
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| owners = [[User:PerishedFraud|PerishedFraud]]
The Ultimate Emperor , The Smiling Man, The Woken One, also known as Fritz, is a Forge Hour of the second Mansus, created by [[User:PerishedFraud|PerishedFraud]].The Emperor had always lied been resting, dormant, hidden in his crypt from all peering eyesa time that no Hours can recall. In recent times, It was only recently that he has finally awoken from his long slumber. He is a man (?) on a mission to secure his domain and build a magnificent castle for his prophecised kingdom - which does not exist yet, and which other denizens know little of. While his background and abilities harken to something beyond the Mansus, the entity itself is extremely pleasant and cooperative. He is in need of allies and servants, and anyone willing is welcome to join him. His number is XIII.
The Emperor appears as a middle-aged, jolly man with rotund features and an outfit truly befitting a ruler. An ornate crown and pristine uniform; a fine cape and epaulets serve to further accent the garb. He wields both a royal scepter and a sheathed claymore which he has affectionately dubbed the Dreihander. The only thing off about the whole affair is that the normally-yellow or orange decor is tinged black, with ebony and obsidian replacing gold and gems. Of course, as an hour from Nowhere, this is not his true appearance, not that he's shown that to anyone; that would be so uncouth! Rumors gathered from his council say that his domain is in actuality his true form, and that the 'person' is merely an extension. These rumors are unverified.
====Castle Omnitor====
Castle Omnitor has a very deceptive name, considering that it is merely a small wooden house on a floating bit of rock near the middle of the Mansus. The Emperor comically refers to it as his keep, though his intentions of making it one are far less pretentious. The interior is cozy and covers the bare essentials of comfort and aesthetic. A nice fireplace, a little wooden table, a makeshift kitchen and a straw bed for resting. The only thing off is the throne, of course.
====Crypt El-Asahar====
The Death-Holm from which the Emperor has risen. Located among the lowest chambers of the Mansus, in a passageway that no one ever thought to tread through. Though the crypt has its fair share of dread-guardians and artifacts of Winter, it holds very little information, and is mostly a tourist attraction for the curious. The Emperor has made the place available to anyone who wishes to visit.
===The Histories===
No effect. The Emperor does not mess with the histories at all.
None, other than some of his own superstitions, which no one, including him, can verify. Gotta make that castle.
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