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The Fourth Fansus

13 bytes added, 13:40, 11 July 2019
The Fourth Fansus used to be two different Mansi, independent of one another, each inhabited by a different group of Gods-from-Stone and each with their own Glory. These Gods-from-Stone warred among each other, in a war whose ending has been lost to time. The twin Mansi were desolate, war-torn wrecks when the first Hours of Humankind awoke, as were the Gods-from-Stone who inhabited them. The new Hours either killed them or in other ways usurped the Gods-from-Stone (Perhaps different approaches in each Mansus) and sent them to Nowhere. Everything seemed cool and good and the new Hours rebuilt the two Mansi but remained on separate terms most likely due to disagreements of some sort (maybe about the war and its ending). Eventually, though, something super fucked up happened. The 2 Mansi crashed into each other, and nobody knew who was responsible. Did the Gods-from-Stone do it all the way from Nowhere? Did someone from within the Houses do it? Or something else entirely? Who the hell knows.
====What happened?==
What is known is that this was a horrific event for humans and Hours alike, with the 2 Glories colliding and breaking apart. This, combined with the damage the Hours suffered, temporarily broke down the barrier between realities and released the power the Hours bled into the waking world, where it caused unspeakable devastation. Most of what occurred in that devastating time when all hell broke loose has been forgotten but what is known has been recorded below:
There are also some anomalies that are common to all areas, and can even be found in areas not hit as much by the apocalypse. These include: Places where pure Mansus-energy has flowed through, causing reality to feel more dreamlike, most common in Knock, Lantern, and Moth areas. Strange and dangerous dreams, most common in Knock and Lantern areas, though sleep in Winter areas can be dangerous for different reasons. People who appear to be asleep but nonetheless remain in perfect physical health, merely catatonic, but who release grand and dangerous influences if killed, most common in Lantern or Winter areas. They are suspected to be connected to the Hour known as the Legion Lamentful. Stray Mansus-beings are also common in all areas, and usually yearn to return to the Mansus and the Hours who created them. They are in most cases very dangerous, and should not be approached alone.
==Life After The Collision==

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