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The Fourth Fansus

2 bytes added, 14:00, 11 July 2019
Despite all this, Edge-affected areas are also one of the safer areas to travel, as few of the cutting-forces that once ravaged them remain, and most of those that do are noticeable. One does need to watch out for objects which appear blunt or flat but which are in truth unexpectedly sharp, as well as for zones where everything entering them is cut apart or in other ways destroyed.
Winter-affected areas are some of the more dangerous areas, as they can appear perfectly normal to the untrained eye. They can however be identified by a persistent cold that chills you all the way to the bone. The true danger of these areas, however, is not the bitter cold but the areas where time itself has slowed down or stopped. These areas do not move as frequently as similar things in other areas, but are very big and very hard to notice. How long it takes for someone to escape from one of these areas varies greatly, but the fact that they have a tendency to slowly grow, the fact that they are hard to identify from within and the bitter cold means that many careless explorers have been abandoned inside them. To make things worse, Winter-influenced areas tend to be absolutely crawling with various kinds of Dead. Those with more sanity remaining tend to commemorate the power known as the Legion Lamentful, and therefore can in some cases be bargained with or deceived. Those with less sanity remaining tend to be purely animalistic and hostile, hungering for the warmth of the living. The Dead in these areas can usually bypass the temporal anomalies, but cannot bring people out of them. Those mentally affected by the Winter-influence released during the apocalypse tend to be depressive, apathetic and mournful. These effects last long, very long.

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