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The Half-Turned

114 bytes removed, 22:32, 20 July 2019
Septa, The Pre-Finale
====Septa, The Pre-Finale====
'"Out with the The last act, on with the next!awaits."'
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png
|title = Septa, The Pre-Finale
|description = '"Life Whose time is the grandest of plays, my dear. Who’s holding up yoursnow?”’ "
|aspect0 = Follower
|aspect1 = Summoned
|quantity4 = 12
|aspect4 = Edge
|quantity4 = 12|aspect5 = Forge|quantity5 = 1224
|fansus = 2
<div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = Summon a dreaded Name-emanation of the Half-Turned.
|start_description = FNORD
|description = FNORD

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