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The Half-Turned

1,268 bytes added, 23:29, 20 July 2019
Jev, the Opening-Act
===== Jev, the Opening-Act =====Jev serves as the herald of the Impatient Act—the bringer of its will. A colorful jester, donning a chromatic jingling cap and a smiling mask. He arrives instrument in hand, whatever it may be. His music opens the world to the wings of his master. <br>Though not a sign of doom, his arrival is a warning of one that may soon come. <br><br>When uninvited, he is a threat. <div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png|title = Jev, the Opening-Act|description = "''Life is the grandest of theaters,''''its every soul a play.''" "''Though its shows, some may cut,''''none shall be delayed.''"|aspect0 = Follower|aspect1 = Summoned|aspect2 = Tutor|aspect3 = Defamer|quantity4 = 12|aspect4 = Knock|quantity4 = 24|fansus = 2}}</div> <div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription|verb = Work|title = Summon a worrying Name the Half-Turned.|start_description = FNORD|description = FNORD|aspect0 = Ritual|aspect1 = Knock|quantity1 = 5|aspect2 = Edge|quantity2 = 10|aspect3 = Heart|quantity3 = 2|fansus = 2}}</div>
====Septa, The Pre-Finale====

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