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=== Principles ===
The Bright-Delver is invoked by artisans and teachers alike, and beloved by anyone who wishes to fill the hearts and minds of others with light. Parents, too, invoke the Delver in hopes that their children will be adored and protected. Those afflicted by curses or wishing to pursue a diplomatic solution without raising their hands also call upon her power.
'''The People’s Committee for Openings''', home to the '''Charitable''': the closest thing to a charitable society for the occult as one gets. It can be difficult to pinpoint members of this cult; they often look just like the average person.
== Locations ==
=== The Fansus ===
The Bright-Delver holds her court in the Aquarium, filling the waters with light and music when she passes. Occasionally she can be found wherever the Tail and the Anaconda hold battle, pleading with them to cease or simply entrapping them within her coils until they call a truce. Here, however, she does not hold her court, and will not pay attention to mortals begging for her notice.
===The Histories===
*'''Monastery of the Enlighteners:''' Once, in another History, the Delver’s influence waxed, and a thousand civilizations sought the light of the Mansus. But other, less benevolent Hours took note. Here, before everything changed, the adepts of the Delver once spread their knowledge and protection throughout the world, in a small monastery, they with open hearts spread knowledge far and wide. It is gone now, but perhaps something remains...
== Items ==
* '''Sweet Scale''' ({{Aspect|Knock|4}}, {{Aspect|Secret Histories|4}}): When the Bright-Singer makes merry, sometimes she loses a scale in the dance. This one is yours, now.
* '''Happy Hymn''' ({{Aspect|Heart|8}}, {{Aspect|Secret Histories|8}}): You wrote this! Isn’t it wonderful? Sing, now, and let the world sing with you.
== Relationships ==