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The Demarq-s

72 bytes added, 03:10, 17 August 2019
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''"We call upon the Demarq-s, who permits no ambiguity; who divides, and conquers; who cannot be prevented."
Most commonly invoked by sentinels, explorers, and map-makers, though surgeons, taxonomists, and tailors have been known to call upon the Divisive Hour.
* A Broken Needle:
** Description: ''It still bears a use in breaking other borders.''
** Aspects: {{Aspect|Knock|24}}* An Ink-Stained BladeEdge** Description: ''Once, it was used to carve in carving the history of a world onto flesh.''** Aspects: {{Aspect|Edge|10}} {{Aspect|SH|42}} * Unmarked Map** Description: ''Perfectly accurate. Deliberately obfuscated. Terribly helpful.''** Aspects: {{Aspect|EdgeSecret Histories|8}} {{Aspect|Knock|2}}
* Marching MagentaPalimpsest Pigment** Description: ''It has grown unclear, with time, whether the Partition's Blood became Ink, or whether their Ink became BloodThe color of contrast; it always bleeds through.''** Aspects: {{Aspect|KnockSecret Histories|84}} {{Aspect|Paint}} 
* A Discordant Accord
** Aspect: {{Aspect|Edge|2}}
* The Fenwic's Collected Atlases, Maps, and other And Other Depictions-of-Places-That-Were, Fifth Edition, Corrected
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