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The Bright-Delver

1,314 bytes removed, 09:42, 29 June 2018
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== Relationships ==
* [[The Architeuthian]]: These two Hours have not been known The Bright-Delver shares the Aquarium with the Architeuthain, and occasionally cajoles him to interactact with more mercy.
* [[The Anaconda]]: The Bright-Delver affectionately calls this Hour sibling, and begs it to be loving and kind to all, especially the Tail.
* [[Snake Tail with Appendages]]: The Bright-Delver affectionately calls this Hour sibling, and begs it to be loving and kind to all, especially the Anaconda.
* [[The Engine of Cycles]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Peacock]]: The Delver competes with this Hour to teach the Mendicant how to be a proper Hour. She holds no grudge against the Peacock, but does wish he wouldn't be so gruesome.
* [[Old Tarnished]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Spark]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Cuckoo]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Silver Owl]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Watcher in the Window]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Elder Sister]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Apple-of-the-Eye]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[SWOUP]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Archivist]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Harvester]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[Blank|<nowiki>[&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;]</nowiki>]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Insidious]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Snow-Stained]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Fanged Bramble]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Aged Bones]]: The Aged Bones ascended from the First History, that History which the Delver shaped the course of. The Delver herself is deeply proud of this Hour despite Architeuthian being the patron instead.
* [[The Mendicant Without]]: The Delver interceded on the Mendicant's behalf to prevent its death by Anaconda, and is doing her best to teach it how to be a proper Hour.
* [[The Anvil]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Maker]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Deciever]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Huntsman]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Great Serpent]]: The Great Serpent spawned the Bright-Delver, and she often refers to it as her father. She is ambivalent about bringing her father back to the Fansus, however.

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