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Abbess Sunset

530 bytes added, 13:56, 27 August 2019
Her form is a bundle of carved bones, wood, and other mismatched bits and pieces tied together with a tarnished silver chain; hardly anything one might expect of a Name of the terrible Dusk-Archer.
''"Please keep moving."''<br />
Aspects: {{Aspect|Winter|12}}, {{Aspect|Edge|12}}; Devourer<br />
Temptations: Unsummonable
Shangdi-Zhi patrols the wall around the Abbess' domain, aided by mirrors and mazes of bronze that bewilder and disorient any that would breach the wall and avoid the Gate and its Guardian.
Shangdi-Zhi is sometimes many things, and Shangdi-zhi is sometimes but a single thing. Right now he is a single, origami mantis, made of paper as sharp and sturdy as the finest steel.
== Locations ==

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