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The Captain (Original)

211 bytes removed, 07:10, 2 October 2019
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* The Warp & The Cantharide heavily influenced the trials of his ascension, essentially filling up his otherwise still and mind-consuming travels with fantastic events and places. He is not entirely aware of this.
* Holds the key to other dimensions (Other Fansii). Only his closest acquaintances know of this.
* The Captain is the current holder of the title of [[Judge_(Fansus_III_Title)|Judge]]. - A position of duty given only by the Glory through [[The_Eye|its servants]]. While being a Judge involves punishment, the Captain interprets this as being tasked with reforming the necessary Hours into their best (or at least most-pleasant) possible versions.[[Category:Fansus III]][[Category:Hours (Vol. III)]][[Category:Gods-From-Flesh (Vol. III)]][[Category:Knock (Vol. III)]][[Category:Lantern (Vol. III)]][[Category:SH (Vol. III)]]

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