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The Weft (Original)

1 byte added, 20:02, 5 October 2019
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(This is the Weft concept as it appeared in the first incarnation of the Third Fansus.)
'''The Weft''' is one of the Hours of the Third Fansus. Formerly a Name of [[The Weave]] who, along with her sister [[The Warp]], overthrew [[The Weave]] and sewed her self into the Mansus-Prison around what once was the Wood, marking the [beginning/end idk] of the Extirpation/[whatever we decide to call the killing of the Stones]. The Weft presides over detailed and explicit Histories, free of interpretation, building an iron-clad past out of which to make an uncompromising future.
[[Category:Hours (Vol. III Archive)]]

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