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The Mare-Night

207 bytes removed, 05:37, 8 October 2019
*She is, usually an eight-legged(Sometimes six, rarely four.) centaur, of heavy, noble drafter build.
*Her tail is usually a centipede, which sometimes holds a mind of its own and blends into her back as a set of ridges and spikes. Occasionally, it shows as either a regular horse tail, a short, brushed show-horse tail or a long, swirly unicorn tail with fur all over the underside.
*Her human half is skinny and fragile-looking, and has four arms, and two of them hold her bow, which is adorned by elvish designs and Quetzal feathers.
*Her skin is dark brown as fertile mud, with freckles and spots in silver, bronze and moss. Her claws are long, thin and straight, sharp like Alastor's needles.
*Only a bit of her face can be seen, when she tips her mask upwards to reveal her beastly, sharp teeth. Her mouth extends all the way to her ears, and she has been known to unhinge her jaw to devour her prey.
*She is also occasionally depicted as having a halo made of daggers and knives and blood-stained, unopened letters. These are actually her Longs and Names' personal weapons, sacrificed to her upon their ascension.
Nobody has ever truly seen her face behind the mask. Those who claim to have invariably lost their sanity, becoming hideous beasts driven by bloodlust. Her mask is covered in gems- Moonstones, moss agates and catseye. Engraved with markings of flowers and moths. She doesn't like people touching it.

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