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Our Majesty Revamped

1,026 bytes added, 19:58, 15 October 2019
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| quote = We call upon the Seerscale, who changes at all costs / whose breath revitalizes / who only has eyes for the future
| origin = From-Steel, From-Nowhere, From-Flesh
| titles = The Thrice-Crowned, The Abyssocore, Seerscale
| names = wejustdon'tknow.bird
| aspects = {{Aspect|Forge}} {{Aspect|Edge}} {{Aspect|Lantern}}
The one we now refer to as the Thrice-Crowned began her life as a flawed being. Crowned at the ripe age of seventeen, She ruled with might and magic, alongside a [[Our Excellence Undone|dearly beloved husband]] who comforted her when the pressure was too much. Together, they shared a desire for change, and in secret, begun a path towards a terrible Ascension.
They rose as two, and then, as one. They united upon becoming a name, into the Seer-In-Song {{Aspect|Lantern}} / Seer-In-Scale {{Aspect|Edge}}. A Name devoted to piercing into the future, by all means possible. And what they desired the most - Was to fly higher still, closer to the Glory.
But something went truly, horribly wrong.
Instead, they found solace in darkness most absolute.
They found love in Change. They found Change in love.
And they were reborn, ablaze, into something far more '''beautiful.''' Separate once more, yet bound by love and steel.
Yet, only one remains. Perhaps He was unfit. Unworthy. But even now, She still grieves in ashen tears.

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