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835 bytes added, 21:00, 12 November 2019
Hours but with Commentary
♣️[[The Crimson Temptress]] - Falls flat on actual development, even if i am very fond of her design. Only really exists because of the Listless King (thank you based Will), but what really makes her shine is her "children", the Amaranthine Aristocracy. They're everything I've wanted to make for ages - a fully developed spirit-race of artistic monstergirl/boy cannibals who are FLOWER ONI BUG PEOPLE and I'm just really fond of their design.
❤️[[The Toymaker]] BadEasily the worst Hour made under me, by far. An absolutely flat character with zero personality whatsoever. I don't at all resonate with his concept (For future reference, i don't know what the hell i was thinking when i followed through with this Hour - I hate children! And especially writing them!) even if i DO like the idea of "eldritch-ifying" fairytales like Jack Tales or the tooth fairy.I'll give him one thing, though. The Marble Urchins are fun to write for. ♠️[[The Symphony Unending]] - Kind of iffy. Finished in one night, a rather poor incarnation of a project I've had in mind for an eternity and a half (Hour which is not physical, basically.) i enjoy his level of detail and the uniqueness of his concept, but I'm afraid I've terribly failed at inserting him into Fansus events, and F5 hardly appeals to me anymore.
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