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The Bureau (F1.5)

No change in size, 09:59, 13 November 2019
We desire a mortal realm free from the chaotic meddling of the Hours. Unbound from their petty wars and incomprehensible pursuits that claim thousands of lives a day. A mundane world, in which we are no longer terrorized by escaped summons or merciless cultists.
We will achieve this goal by any means necessary, be it diving into the Invisible Arts ourselves, or even working with the Hours themselves if necessary. For such a massive task, we must understand that nothing, nothing at all is off the table. We will strike fear into the cultistsfanatics, and destroy all the occult material that we do not take for ourselves. We will obliterate all those who stand in our way, be it mortals, Long or even Names.
There will be sacrifices. There will be costs. There will be times where we will wonder if we are, truly, a force of good. But in those dark times, we will look upon the world blighted by divine corruption, where many are sacrificed and many are transformed and many unready minds are lost, and we will understand that what we are doing is right.

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