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The Zabbaleen

19 bytes added, 18:44, 3 February 2020
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An Egypt-like country was destroyed by a rival empire, based on Venice, some time around the Industrial Revolutionthe 15th century, during the Renaissance. The Zabbaleen arose from the wishes of the people to fix what was broken, from their need for a new purpose. In fact, the Scarabeus has always existed within [[The Antecedent]], whose blazing rotation was halted by the Rag-picker, which caused it to hatch, birthing the Zabbaleen and shattering the aspect of Wheel into precursors of Forge, Moth, Grail, Heart, and Winter.
The Hour salvaged the big part of an entire History to make a new one, where the country has never been defeated, and prospered. Their work was almost done when the Histories started clashing and dividing: from three, six; from six, twelve; from twelve, one. The Zabbaleen's History was once again bashed to pieces and dispersed, but with that calamity came all the other Histories, with their people, things and places that were now lost and without purpose. Thus, the Zabbaleen expanded their goals. The City of Dust, it seems, is all that is left from the Zabbaleen's History, apart from an odd artifact here and there. Everything else was reforged beyond recognition.

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