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The Great Serpent

372 bytes added, 08:53, 3 July 2018
no edit summary
* [[The Aged Bones]]: The Segmenting of the Great Serpent was the catalyst which allowed the Aged Bones to ascend to Hourhood.
* [[The Mendicant Without]]: The Mendicant arrived in the Fansus long after the Great Serpent was segmented.
* [[The Ferryman]]: An old acquaintance. Revised the deal made between the Ferryman and humanity after the fact. Made it so that only the Dead as well as slain "immortals" could be collected by the spider, and that the Hours taking humans for eternal servants was not a violation that gave the Dolomedes the right to immediately collect all of humanity's end of the deal.
* [[The Anvil]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
* [[The Maker]]: These two Hours have not been known to interact.
Anonymous user

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