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The Mendicant Without

517 bytes added, 14:44, 3 July 2018
=== Appearance ===
The Mendicant could almost be mistaken for human at first glance, before its anomalous conjunction of limbs, flesh and bone becomes apparent. It shuffles along the outskirts of the Mansus, dressed in ragged clothing, a pitiable thing stripped of much of its former glory. Yet should one speak to it, the improper angles and dissembling shapes resolve into a being of incommensurate beauty, one which lingers in the mind as an impression but never a memory.
Beings of higher power or greater perception are able to see through this facade, however, to reveal the unnatural being underneath. They see it instead as an emaciated, wan thing, of failing solidity, one which barely seems able to cling to this reality. It possesses only the most cursory of humanoid outlines, not unlike a rough pencil sketch, and lacks any defined features on its smooth, dark brown skin. Only a vague depression hints at the location of its eyes, and even then only when one knows how to look.
=== Principles ===

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