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Snake Tail with Appendages

2,063 bytes added, 20:12, 6 July 2018
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* I stumbled through the Wood blindly till I found an especial place. Special, for it was not of the wood. A clearing, bound by no trees. I breathed in the air and tasted not a hint of the leafy chlorophyll. One would not think the Tail brings peace, yet it was peaceful that night as I lay on the floor of the field and stared upwards at the light of the Glory, so dim down here.
** Provides Contentment
== Worship ==
=== Cults ===
=== Marks ===
'''Ascension: FNORD''' As I followed the un-darkness of the Tail and the shattered doors it left in its wake, a little of its savage, senseless opening lingered in me. I cannot forget now, I cannot refuse to acknowledge any awful truth, and one truth I acknowledge: The first mark is what I have known, the second what I have done. The Third is what I am within.
'''Ascension: FNORD''' It lies deeper now, but the strange nature of the Tail means that there is but more to open, and so it shines darker. I am alien to look at now. My limbs bend in all the wrong directions and my voice echoes and resounds in all the wrong ways. The fourth mark is what I am without.
'''Ascension: FNORD''' They think I am human. A long time ago, they might have been right, and in fact they quite, still are. Yet that really doesn’t matter, does it? Your flesh is chitinous yet silken, your heart pumps tungsten and wine, your limbs are tentacles and sabres, your mind ripples like that of an ocean. The fifth mark is what I am not.
'''Ascension: FNORD''' It fills my mind now, things I never experienced, never could have experienced, never knew, never could have known. Some are dark secrets, some are rank nonsense, to the Hour of heedless openings, they are the same. The Sixth Mark is what I was not
'''Ascension: FNORD''' I stand now at the precipice. All things are possible, yet not everything will happen. This is the Tail’s anathema, the closing of possibilities, the end of potential, the sealing of what could be. Not yet anyway. But it could be. The possibility that is all the possibilities burns in you. The Seventh Mark sears me. It is what I will never be
'''Ascension: FNORD''' It is an opening like no other. It is me, now. I do not pass through a door to go Nowhere for I am an opening. The Tail has made me something that could never be, that in many possibilities is better than what I was. In many futures I will help the Tail make everything that could be, be. But many, in no futures, means all...
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