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The Peacock

1,095 bytes added, 18:41, 7 July 2018
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====The Attendants====
In the depraved, hedonistic worship of the Hours of Grail, to be counted among the entourage of the Lady in Red is something of a twisted badge of honor. To be personally recognized by that most depraved of Names is to be acknowledge as possessing an appetite for debauchery that can no longer be sated by "common" pleasures. They are the most beautiful, the best dressed, the most cultured of the Peacock's names. But like their patron Name, beneath the cultured exterior hides an entirely different sort of beast. Savage and hungry, they lust for blood and debauchery to please their deadened senses. While they are as seductive as they are deadly, they are relatively few in number, for few are they who are able to commit to such a level of debasement. They are rarely seen outside the highest levels of the Revel, where most cannot tread and live. There are whispers, that they recruit from the ranks of highest society, egging on the cruelties of the idle rich and pushing events in directions that will breed debauchery and the degradation of society, so that the Peacock can more easily spread.
== Relationships ==

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