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The Anaconda

188 bytes added, 10:33, 8 July 2018
* [[The Ferryman]]: As a former Name of the Great Serpent, the Anaconda is aware of the deal the Dolomodes was made to accept. While many of the Great Serpent's more whimsical rules have fallen by the wayside since its journey, the Anaconda keeps a watchful eye out to ensure that this deal remains kept.
* [[The Vizier]]: While the Anaconda has never considered this Hour to be trustworthy, as a fellow former Name of the Great Serpent, these two often shared goals. The Anaconda has great respect for the Vizier's governing acumen, something which it does not share. When these two Hours shared the same goals, the Mansus flourished.
* [[The Void-In-Skins]]: The Anaconda worked to corral this Hour as a Name, and now that it is an Hour as well, takes the containment of this and other Hours from Nowhere very seriously.
* [[The Great Serpent]]: The Great Serpent was the Hour which took the Anaconda as its Name, before the Segmenting. The Anaconda is deeply loyal to what it perceives as its patron's wishes, and takes on the duties which those wishes entail with great responsibility. A Name of the Deceiver once claimed to have heard the Anaconda refer to the Great Serpent as "Father," although all claims made by adherents of the Deceiver should be taken with a grain of salt.

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