The Cuckoo's Nest

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The Cuckoo's Nest (The Sunken Place) is a Fansus location accessible from The Wood.


The Cuckoo’s Nest rests in the shadow of a great Wood tree. It once rested high above the forest floor, but it grew too heavy to be supported by the branches and crashed to earth long ago. To what Hour did this place belong before the Crone took up her roost here? The Silver Owl? Some long dead aviform Hour? It is as if the Crone has stolen for herself all memory of its origin. Whatever it looked like, it’s surely unrecognizable now. Half birdnest, half trash heap, the branches of the trees are covered in strewn garments and tattered finery.


  • Tonight I dreamed of the Sunken Place, and it’s deep mud. The ground of this place is as cold and hungry as its cruel Mistress. In the distance I watched the Cuckoo shriek at her servants, the Erinyes, as they propped up the sinking nest with fresh plunder from the waking world. We all know it’ll never be enough. Never enough…
    • Provides An Awareness of Appetite
  • Tonight I dreamed of the Sunken Place. I was not foolish enough to walk the road to the Nest, for I know the true nature of the Mistress of that place, and that none may ever leave. Very carefully, making sure I touched nothing, I examined the nicknacks and clothing strewn about the place. The fresher pieces I recognized from the latest fashions, but further in and sunken in the mud at my feet, I see strange garments and fashions from bygone ages. Just how long have these been here?
    • Provides An Occult Scrap