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The Captain

1 byte added, 15:42, 4 February 2019
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A simple journey, thought the Captain, not knowing that his life had been cast away to a [[The_Gilded_Insect|scuttling deceiver]]. The waters became endless and the continents shifted every day. One morning, he would disembark on a new world - the next, he would be back on his vessel, no choice but to venture once more. Under the eyes of Hours unknown, it took The Captain decades to realize the supernatural nature of his toil. His unhinged dedication to breaking free lead to unparalleled exploration and mastery of the unseen laws and unspoken stories of the universe, especially those of the Glory-Light. After a hundred lifetimes, there came a day when the man simply dove into the ocean, only to emerge from a pool in the Mansus.
The Pathmaker has been to the most wonderful and most inhospitable of places, caring very little about obstacles or laws, but also not hindering anyone. Since his ascension,he has spent an immeasurable amount of time gazing and intruding into the past, and is thus technically one of the oldest Hours. Going by time spent in the present, however, he is among the newest.
After the From-Stones died, he explored every nook and cranny that was opened by their deaths. He also discovered that the From-Stones’ memories were gone - their minds a void - when he tried to venture within.

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