Fansus Ideas

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This is an archive of potential Fansus proposal ideas, so that people may have fun with them and stuff (and maybe, someday, they can become more than cool memes) 🎊


"The black sea of Nowhere tirelessly laps against the hull of the Mansus. As any student of the Histories knows, the Mansus has no hull"

An industrial Mansus taking the shape of a large vessel, crewed by Hours fiercely dedicated to the ceaseless hunt of Gods-from-Nowhere and the processing of their remains into useful products and fuel for the Glory. The Glory is not eternal, it is hungry, it requires the flesh of Hours in order to remain ablaze. Names work too, though they provide a lot less fuel for the fire. Most Hours has its spot in the line of production, from fishing the Gods-from-Nowhere, to killing them in cold blood, to butchering them, to extracting and refining useful resources, to feeding them into the Glory. The ones that don't instead serve other positions such as defending or repairing the Ship or looking for more Gods-from-Nowhere. Without the Glory, Nowhere would creep into the Mansus and kill everything on board.

The Mansus is not strictly a naval vessel, some describe it as a submarine, some describe it as a zeppelin, some describe it as a spaceship. It usually has a deck up top, and it is always made out of metal. There is no Wood.


The Boatsus is the creation of A Blessed Feline



Hello! Neph here.

The "Druidsus" was my personal Fansus proposal. It was, essentially, a Fansus held up by a from-Stone giant vine tree Hour, holding it to the stars, and the Hours were constellations. The Glory was spilled from the tree's flowers and Nowhere was the void above.



Beast here with an old idea of mine. Use it as you will.

A house divided into circle of massive pillars, with there being a pillar for almost all the aspects.

The Glory sits within arms reach of each pillar’s peak, glowing with the might of an aspect in its purest form. There may be one shared glory, or a glory for each pillar.

The Woods at the bottom are a weak mix of aspects. Each tree and environment grows to reflect the pillars closest to it.

One pillar may sit in the center of the ring, representing the trump. Bridges might span between each of the towers, which are governed either by the center, or a pillarless aspect.

Nowhere lies shortly beyond the edge of the henge, sitting just outside the spotlight(s) of Glory. The further from the henge one travels, the more sway nowhere holds. To step outside the light of the ring is to risk certain death.

Nowhere fights to spread into the heart and topple the henge, while each pillar fights to secure or take its place at the center.