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The Half-Turned

396 bytes removed, 20:59, 28 July 2019
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'''The Half-Turned''' ('''The Anticyclone''', '''The Cycle-of-Seasons''', '''The Impatient Act''') is the eleventh Hour of the Second Fansus, represented by Death. It's reveal was during emerged from Sea-Of-Mists as an inverse to the [[The PartisanKnife’s Edge]]'s siege, but its Names were reported to have revealed themselves at earlier dates, making the hour's birth heavily disputed. Some claim it to be a cousin of and [[The Storm-Tossed]] and [[The Knife's Edge]]; that it was born when [[The GoldsmithHunter]]'s ’s corpse and [[The Bright TapestryInks]]'s lingering might tears mingled with the bed of the Sea-Of-Mists. Others say it was born when the early casualties memory of the invasion were swept into the sea, or from the disposal of the unworthy or unwanted in the Mist. Some even claim it to be a lost God-From-Stone, or the FNORD. It waits watching beneath the waves, watching the storm with interest and impatience. Its aspects are [[:Category:Winter (Vol. II)|Winter]], [[:Category:Forge Moth (Vol. II)|ForgeMoth]], and [[:Category:Moth Edge (Vol. II)|MothEdge]]. It rules over the escalation of conflicts and their abrupt conclusions. It ends the journey to usher in the next.

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