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The Half-Turned

1,682 bytes added, 17:30, 29 July 2019
no edit summary
* Septa, The Pre-Finale {{Aspect|Edge|24}}
* Barch, The Playwright {{Aspect|Lantern|13}} {{Aspect|Heart|13}}
| aspects = {{Aspect|Winter}} {{Aspect|ForgeEdge}} {{Aspect|Moth}}
| arrival = Unknown. (Between 1873-FNORD)
| owners = [[User:Zolgo3|Beast]]
'''The Half-Turned''' ('''The Anticyclone''', '''The Cycle-of-Seasons''', '''The Impatient Act''') is the feral eleventh Hour of the Second Fansus, represented by Death. It emerged from Sea-Of-Mists as in an inverse to the [[The Knife’s Edge]] and [[The Storm-Tossed]]; born when [[The Hunter]]’s corpse and [[The Inks]] tears mingled with the man’s memory of the FNORDSubsumption. It waits watching beneath the waves, watching gazing upon the storm with interest and impatience. Its aspects are [[:Category:Winter (Vol. II)|Winter]], [[:Category:Moth (Vol. II)|Moth]], and [[:Category:Edge Forge (Vol. II)|EdgeForge]]. It rules over the escalation of conflicts and their abrupt conclusions. It ends the journey to usher in make room for the next.
Usually It’s upper half is often depicted as an old , wild turkey with massive wings emerging . The wing feathers, as well as all the feathers, are spear to just be more wings. It is often shown rising from a vast gray sea. Sometimes depicted , sometimes with a circus or theater rising alongside nestled beneath it. The less revealed lower half often appears as a vast 
The Half-Turned is an hour of Forge and Winter, clearing away ; unraveling the old to make way for the new. The old, in this case, refers to being the conflicts that have refused refuse to progresspass, or have failed fail to amuse its Moth.  The Half-Turned is not counted as an hour of Edge, but before it left the sea itcould have been. Its might cannot be denied or controlled. It’s endings are as indifferent as they are catastrophic. They can be avoided only Only by appealing to the Moth that heralds its arrival, longing for fresh conflict to can the wind beating of its wings raising the stakes, by progressing the conflict at handbe postponed.
It is the Hour of restlessness and the changing of stories. It is a patron of actors, but not of play-writes. Its favor is an unpredictable power for all orders and movements. No story can stay fresh forever. No Likewise, no establishment, or movement, can stay in its favor forever. When unrest persist but fail to usurp, who the Half-Turned favors rests solely in who entertains it best, and even then it will tire of both eventually. Where [[The Storm-Tossed]] lingers, the sound of its wings can be heard. Where its gales near their peak, [[The Knife's-Edge]] soars. Round and Round and Round they fly.
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png
|title = A Featherless Flock
|description =
Wings and Beaks and Wings and Beaks and Wings and Beaks and
Wings upon Wings upon Wings
Wings upon Wings upon Wings
Wings upon Wings upon Wings
Wings upon Wings upon Wings
Wings upon Wings upon Wings
Wings upon Wings upon Wings
Wings upon Wings upon Wings
|aspect0 = Follower
|aspect1 = Summoned
|aspect3 = Devourer
|quantity3 = 12
|aspect2 = Moth
|quantity2 = 10
|aspect4 = Grail
|quantity4 = 10
|fansus = 2
<div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = Summon a restless child of the Half-Turned.
|start_description = FNORD
|description = FNORD
|aspect0 = Ritual
|aspect1 = Knock
|quantity1 = 4
|aspect2 = Moth
|quantity2 = 8
|aspect3 = Grail
|quantity3 = 8
|fansus = 2
=====Jev, the Opening-Act=====
The first Name-Fragment of the Half-Turned; the call of the Half-Turned freed and given flesh.<br><br>Jev serves as the herald of the Impatient Act—the bringer of its will. A colorful jester, donning a chromatic jingling cap and a smiling joyful mask. He arrives instrument enters with instruments in every hand, whatever it may be. His music opens cutting the world open with every note, opening the world to the wings of his master. <br>
Though not a sign of doom, his arrival is a warning of one that may soon come. <br>
When uninvited, he is a definite threat.
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png
|aspect2 = Edge
|quantity2 = 10
|aspect3 = HeartMoth
|quantity3 = 2
|fansus = 2
=====Septa, The Pre-Finale=====
Where Jev heralds The second Name-Fragment of the Half-Turn's boredom, Septa is its Harbinger. She is a Turned; A colorless jesterwho hides a face of claws beneath their tragedy mask. Blacks deep <br><br>Black as the sockets eyes of the Ox, Whites blinding . <br>White as the heart of the Glory. <br>Her spear and gaze move to ensure that the will of her maker may not be denied. <br>Her presence She is never to be taken lightly, for it by itself her very presence signals the Anticyclone's direct actionintervention. <br>
If Should she is seen to manifest uninvited, it is already too late. <br>
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png
|aspect0 = Ritual
|aspect1 = Knock
|quantity1 = 510
|aspect2 = Heart
|quantity2 = 105|aspect3 = MothForge
|quantity3 = 2
|fansus = 2

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