The Recollection (Original)
The Recollection | |
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"We call upon the Recollection, who restores what is lost." | |
Origin | Blood |
Titles |
The Reminisce The Remanents Returning Unmaker of Endings The Once-More The Road Reversed |
Names |
Aspects |
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Date of arrival | FNORD |
Owner(s) | Beast |
(This is the Recollection concept as it appeared in the first incarnation of the Third Fansus.)
Hour of redemption, restoration and preservation; The Recollection is the stubbornness of the old and the engineer of its return. Born from the remains of Know condemned to oblivion, The Once-Was embodies life’s unyeilding defiance. Made by Beast.
Their tarot card is Judgment.
The principles of the Recollection are littered with nuances and specifics, but it's aspects and domains summarize the fundamentals quite well.
First and most simple is the perpetual stubbornness of life, otherwise known as Heart. The demand for the persistence of all that is, be it old or new. The Recollection holds firm the belief that while all things must end, the permanence of endings is optional. The idea that so long as there is life, what has come before will be be recreated and renewed by the decedents of those who spawned it.
For individuals this generally translates to prevention of death; including things from simple medicine and antibiotics, to resuscitation and immortality. However, most fail to realize this also translates to ones legacy; the image that inspires imitators or successors, be they decedents or simply random inspired souls.
Similarly, this also applies to empires. Subverted royal families; overthrown crowns; heirs with nothing to turn to; benevolent and tyrannical rulers alike call upon the Recollection to see their reigns restored. Those facing the threat of fall also call upon the Recollection to mend the weakness within, for better or for worse. Controversially, a few believe that some notable revolutionaries were given the Once-More's blessing in times of desperation, although this remains unconfirmed.
It also goes without saying that restorers and archaeologists will often call on the Recollection for aid in their particular fields.
Second is the cost of survival, or the changes that come with defying and unmaking death.
The principles of the Millions-Upon-Millions is perhaps the foremost obstacle a moral faces when seeking to deny the inevitable, as it's by its decree that the old must give way to the new. The birth of the Recollection, however, identified a loophole in this principle; what qualifies as 'New' was never specified.
If the old alters itself to a certain point, the Law will considers it a new entity, sparing it from both the inevitable end and the Omnipede's judgment.
This lost aspect of the old form can then, with extensive effort, be restored with little consequence.
Naturally, this is much easier to do with empires and objects than it is people.
The third and final regards the essential framework that memories provide. (WIP)
In its full glory, the Recollection appears as a mountainous amalgamation of materials. It's composition includes everything from stone, to wood, to glass, to flesh. All of its body, regardless of material, appears to flow with a gel like consistency. Few mortals are aware the Apothecary and the Recollection are one in the same.
- Temptation: X:
- Dedication: X:
- Ascension: X: (Mark 1)
- Ascension: X: (Mark 2)
- Ascension: X: (Mark 3)
- Ascension: X: (Mark 4)
The Model-Maker
A vast, void-black, tripod humanoid coated in meters of crystallized glory. Her nigh-infinite hands are capable of protecting living images and printing them as shimmering, semi-solid projections.
She serves as the Recollection’s planner and the advisor for all repairs undertaken by other servants of the Once-More, medical or otherwise.
Small, printed copies of the Model Maker, capable of being summoned for more public use.
Kashaf, The Aberaaturge
The Segmenter
The Silken Sutura
Charon, The Smuggler Burrow
The Wormery
The living amalgamation of a compost heap, a recycling center, and a hydraulic shredder. Takes the form of a supersonic hurricane of countless metal and crystal worms, shreading all that it touches down to its base components. Created to serve as the Recollection’s refinery, in an attempt to separate itself from further interaction with the Omnipede. It oversees the armies of Scavengers, as well as recycling the material they bring back. (WIP)
Wards are the mighty products created of two Names of the Recollection, Etana and the Shepard-In-Stone. They are the highest of the Recollection’s soldiers, the greatest of its guards, and the keepers of their most dangerous patients. As such, they cannot be summoned, and are only brought into the Histories when absolutely necessary. They appear as faceless giants, not as tall as the Shepard, but certainly quite large. Embedded in each of their chests is a pocket-dimension-like prison, in which the violent but uninfected prisoners are kept sealed in a perpetual coma. Fingers of chains. Hand shaped locks. Arms that bar. Their mouths are reinforced blast doors, and their breath a divine tranquilizer.
Etana, The Sedater
The Shepard-in-Stone
The Remnants, Counsel of Parts
The Rewoven
The Lure
The Shattered
The Decahedral
The Wüstite
The Semi-Cycle
The Unraveled
The Id Unbound
The Unborn
The Fansus
The Wall of Ages
The outermost layer of the Recollection’s domain is perhaps both the most organic and inorganic looking landmark in the House; a membrane like barrier built from countless structures and formations, otherwise known as the Wall Of Ages.
Created by the Once-More as a shell to protect against it's many potential threats, The Wall of Ages appears as a massive makeshift wall constructed from nothing but the structures and creations formed, shaped, or given significance by sentient beings. Both natural (ex. mountains, forests, cave systems) and unnatural structures (ex. buildings, monuments, sculptures) appear embedded the wall, with formations growing older the further up one travels. The layout and composition of the integrated structures all appear to randomly shift in culture and/or region at varying intervals-possibly at will. The external and internal dimensions are also wildly inconsistent, with attempts at direct passage through the wall being either immensely shorter or infinitely longer on a case to case basis. It's been noted that followers and long of certain Hours tend to be denied with grater or absolute frequency, with some consistently failing to return after entering. The few that return injured claim that, in addition to Scavenger and Sentinel swarms; the Wall itself attacked them. The validity of these claims remains unconfirmed.
All structures found seem angled to fit almost seamlessly into one another, bending space to appear level and well fit while retaining the dimensions of the originals. Rooms only seem to manifest within the building the room originated from, however this remains somewhat unconfirmed. Walls hammered down occasionally contain All rooms are furnished to resemble what their composition would have looked like at some random point in its existence. All windows found within that would not lead to the outside of the wall, when closed, have a secondary view that is believed to display a random scene the window in question would have originally looked over. This secondary view overlays the first, and while allegedly difficult and disorienting, does not prevent one from viewing the adjacent room or ones reflection. Additionally, several almost identical copies of some structures and buildings have been found; more than could have resulted from the main fractures of history. This has lead occult scholars to believe that the wall is also compiling demi-real branches into its formation, though this remains unconfirmed among scholars.
Walls that are broken have occasionally been said to reveal non-building structures like statues, graves and monuments. it is possible to hammer or mine down walls and achieve similar results, though this takes a great deal of difficulty.
Like the Neoplasm, the Wall has been confirmed as a living organism capable of regeneration and growth, with new formations often seen reportedly rising from the bottom. Once generated, the structures seems remains at the base of the Wall until its existing counterpart is demolished, where upon it begins rising upwards. If only a portion of the existing building is demolished, that relevant portion on the Wall will sink upwards while the remainder remained unchanged. If part of the existing building is remolded, the structure on the Wall will reportedly undergo a sort of mitosis. Once finished, one of the two will alter itself to fit the renovations while the latter sinks up the wall.
The Neoplasm
Surrounding the Apothecarium is the vast organic landscape called the Neoplasm. (WIP)
The Apothecary
The hospital fortress that serves as the alleged base of operations for the Recollection. In actuality, it is the Recollection, but this is kept from mortal patients to avoid worrying them.
The Nucleus
The vast, burning core of the organic supergiant star known as the Recollection.
The Histories
About the Wassail
How They Feel
Who They Blame
What They Hide
- The Piper:
- Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Average
- Current Priority: No
- Potential Priority: High
- The Firstborn:
- Notice: Untrustworthy
This hour is incredibly untrustworthy. All communication attempts should be done with extreme caution and all conversations are to be recorded. Any offerings, deals, or gifts should be reported immediately. - Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Below Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Untrustworthy
- The Weft:
- The Distinguished:
- Notice: Favored
This Hour is favored by the Recollection. No screening need be taken if it attempts to pass the wall. All requests for aid made by this Hour are to be reported immediately and are to be given high priority. These benefits do not extend to followers of this Hour, nor allied hours. - Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Above-Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Favored
- The Prince Consort:
- The Warp:
- The Hill Queen:
- Notice: Aggressive
This hour is incredibly hostile and is not to be permitted past the wall. All encountered followers should be monitored from afar. Affected individuals must first be restrained before treatment may begin. In the event of a direct encounter, all guards should prepare to meet the hour with immense force. - Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Below-Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Aggressive
- The Captain:
- Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Average
- Current Priority: No
- Potential Priority: High
- The Tessellate:
- The Solemn:
- Notice: Highly Favored
This Hour is highly favored by the Recollection. No screening need be taken if it attempts to pass the wall. No second screening is required if it wishes to enter the FNORD without signs of injury. All requests for aid made by this Hour are to be reported immediately and are to be given high priority. Under no circumstances do these benefits do not extend to followers or allies of this Hour, though they may be considered for Notice:Favored with this Hour's request. - Potential Priority: Very High
- Trustability: Very High
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Highly Favored
- Brother Grimalkin:
- Abbess Sunset:
- Notice: Rival
This Hour is a rival of the Recollection. Any followers of this hour attempting to recover souls that have passed the wall are to be denied entry. - Notice: Favored Hostile
This Hour is actively hostile towards the Recollection and its followers, but is also deemed favored. Followers of this hour attempting to pass the wall must undergo screening before they are permitted through, and are not permitted to bring any weapons or equipment through unless otherwise permitted. Refusal to cooperate should result in their immediate removal.
Those authorized entry with equipment still present or possessing Name status are to be partially restrained and escorted under the constant supervision of no less than 3 Sentinels per person, with an additional 4 Sentinels and 1 Ward per Name.
With the exception of an overt attack from the hour or its followers, the use of excessive force beyond what is required to remove the uncooperative individual(s) is prohibited, and doing so will result in harsh reprimanding and immediate reassignment.
Any requests for aid from this Hour are to be reported immediately and given high priority with caution.* - Potential Priority: Very High
- Trustability: Above-Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Rival
- The Skinner Box:
- The Stillwater:
- Notice: Hazardous
This Hour is highly dangerous for followers of the Recollection. Extreme caution must be taken when attempting to aid this Hour. - Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Average
- Current Priority: Yes
- Notice: Hazardous
- The Heart-Felt Fantasy:
- Notice: Favored
This Hour is favored by the Recollection. No screening need be taken if it attempts to pass the wall. All requests for aid made by this Hour are to be reported immediately and are to be given high priority. These benefits do not extend to followers or allies of this Hour. - Potential Priority: Very High
- Trustability: High
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Favored
- The Gilded Insect:
- Notice: Deceptive
This hour is incredibly untrustworthy. All communication attempts should be done with extreme caution and all conversations are to be recorded. Any offerings, deals, or gifts should be reported immediately. - Notice: Enemy
This Hour is considered targeted by the Recollection. Until the issue is resolved, all requests for admission or aid made by this Hour are to be denied.
- Reason: Theft and/or damage of hour remains.
- Pardon Condition: Returning the stolen remains and power to their appropriate Hours, with the remains of deceased Hours going to the Recollection. This can pardon will be applied regardless of the Insects cooperation or given consent during the return process.
- Reason: Theft and/or damage of hour remains.
- Potential Priority: High [Revoked]
- Trustability: None
- Current Priority: No
- Followers: Servants of the Insect found entering the wall are to be directed to a Ward for immediate mental evaluation. Use of force is recommended in apprehending patients. Those found trusting or supporting the Hour are to be provided reeducation, with successful patients referred to alternate hours once treated. Hours who take in released patients are to be informed that they are responsible for monitoring the patient for relapses.
- Notice: Deceptive
- The Mechanism:
- Notice: Mildly Favored
This Hour is favored by the Recollection. All requests for aid made through this Hour's followers are to be reported immediately and are to be given high priority with caution. These benefits do not extend to followers or allies of this Hour. - Notice: Diplomacy Underway
Diplomacy attempts are being made with the followers of this hour. Aggressive action against followers of this hour is forbidden save in the event of a direct attack. - Potential Priority: Very High
- Trustability: Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Mildly Favored
- [[]]:
- The World-Carver:
- Notice: Enemy
This Hour is considered targeted by the Recollection. Until the issue is resolved, all requests for admission or aid made by this Hour or it's followers are to be denied.
- Reason: Complete and irrevocable loss of Hour remains.
- Pardon Condition: None.
- Reason: Complete and irrevocable loss of Hour remains.
- Potential Priority: High [Revoked]
- Trustability: None
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Enemy
- The Eye:
- The Millions-Upon-Millions:
- Notice: Rival
This Hour is a rival of the Recollection. Any followers of this hour attempting to recover souls that have passed the wall are to be denied entry. - Notice: Favored Hostile
This Hour is actively hostile towards the Recollection and its followers, but is also deemed favored. Followers of this hour attempting to pass the wall must undergo screening before they are permitted through, and are not permitted to bring any weapons or equipment through unless otherwise permitted. Refusal to cooperate should result in their immediate removal.
Those authorized entry with equipment still present or possessing Name status are to be partially restrained and escorted under the constant supervision of no less than 3 Sentinels per person, with an additional 4 Sentinels and 1 Ward per Name.
With the exception of an overt attack from the hour or its followers, the use of excessive force beyond what is required to remove the uncooperative individual(s) is prohibited, and doing so will result in harsh reprimanding and immediate reassignment.
Any requests for aid from this Hour are to be reported immediately and given high priority with caution. - Potential Priority: Very High
- Trustability: Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Rival
- The Fruit-Bat:
- Notice: Enemy
This Hour is considered targeted by the Recollection. Until the issue is resolved, all requests for admission or aid made by this Hour are to be denied.
- Reason: Theft and/or damage of hour remains.
- Pardon Condition: Returning the stolen remains and power to their appropriate Hours, with the remains of deceased Hours going to the Recollection. This can pardon will be applied regardless of the Insects cooperation or given consent during the return process.
- Reason: Theft and/or damage of hour remains.
- Potential Priority: High [Revoked]
- Trustability: None
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Enemy
- The Blight Abiding:
- Notice: Highly Aggressive
This hour is incredibly hostile and is not to be permitted past the wall. All encountered followers should be monitored from afar. Affected individuals must first be restrained before treatment may begin. In the event of a direct encounter, all guards should prepare to meet the hour with immense force. - Notice: Untreatable
For certain reasons this Hour is currently considered untreatable. Their priority has been suspended and no attempts should be made to aid this Hour until further notice. - Potential Priority: High [Suspended]
- Trustability: Below-Average
- Current Priority: Yes [Suspended]
- Notice: Highly Aggressive
- The Cantharide:
- Notice: Untrustworthy
This hour is incredibly untrustworthy. All communication attempts should be done with extreme caution and all conversations are to be recorded. Any offerings, deals, or gifts should be reported immediately. - Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Below Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Untrustworthy
- The Weave:
- Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Average
- Current Priority: Yes
- Potential Priority: High
- The Sockpuppet:
- The Dongolopticon:
- Notice: Favored
This Hour is favored by the Recollection. No screening need be taken if it attempts to pass the wall. All requests for aid made by this Hour are to be reported immediately and are to be given high priority. These benefits do not extend to followers or allies of this Hour. - Potential Priority: Very High
- Trustability: Above-Average
- Current Priority: No
- Notice: Favored
- The Bird-Mother:
- The Mare-Night:
- Potential Priority: High
- Trustability: Above Average
- Current Priority: No
- Potential Priority: High
- The Stillborn:
- Notice: Favored
This Hour is favored by the Recollection. No screening need be taken if it attempts to pass the wall. All requests for aid made by this Hour are to be reported immediately and are to be given high priority. These benefits do not extend to followers or allies of this Hour. - Potential Priority: Very High
- Trustability: High
- Current Priority: Yes
- Notice: Favored